We are delighted to hold our next event at the AE2024 in Copenhagen. As a contact point of all european shrimp production stakeholders we invite you to join our forum on August 27th 2024 from 14:00 – 17:30. Our event will follow from the shrimp scientific session and, as always, will include presenters active in shrimp production and developing the latest shrimp products. We will workshop on animal welfare and present latest insights into practices at European farms.

Join us and enjoy open discussion on Europe’s growing shrimp industry. Learn about the latest developments and technologies in shrimp aquaculture. Hear from your industry colleagues and make new connections over a drink in a friendly but creative atmosphere.

Read or download our program!

Register to the AE2024 and join our discussions!

Who we are

The Euroshrimp Team consists of enthusiastic scientists and networkers who are dedicated to support, improve and promote the european shrimp aquaculture throughout Europe.We strongly believe in a feasible and sustainable shrimp production where it is possible to meet ecological and social production standards to create a long lasting and prosperousness european shrimp production.

What we want

Our mission is to create and maintain a platform for all participants of the european shrimp industry. Whether you are producer, dealer, scientist, service provider, investor, student, expert or amateur, you are welcome to join our network by signing in for our periodic newsletter. By building and maintaining this network, we want to enable you to get in contact with each other, discuss topics or find support for your business amongst our stakeholders.

What we are

We are a point of contact for the european shrimp production and its stakeholders. The intension of our non-commercial association is to connect the european shrimp producer by supplying information, offering help and providing support by us and by our network members.

What we hope for

By creating this network and information exchange platform we hope to develop a self-sufficient, active community where we help each other with knowledge and information to promote you, your interests or your business.

Send us a message

Please feel free to get in contact if you have any news you would like to share via the euroshrimp portal or mail us at

By submitting this message you are accepting our privacy policy.

Proposed by ALFRED-WEGENER-INSTITUT    |    Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research | Section of KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER    |    AQUACULTURE RESEARCH GROUP

Copyright Euroshrimp 2021. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.