#5 Euroshrimp@AE2019-Preliminary Program


EuroShrimp 2019 is planned for the morning of October 10th at Nordic RAS / European Aquaculture Society in Berlin, Germany. We currently have confirmed contributions of presentations from:

Kentucky State University, USA on their development of much cheaper salt mixtures for artificial seawater production in RAS

Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) in Holland who will be presenting their new metrics for diversifying shrimp farming worldwide

Naturland in Germany who will present their latest data on positioning RAS-produced shrimps within organic foods / bio-foods to vastly improve returns,

Nicola Scalise formerly of Ecoshrimp on his recent experience in L. vannamei PL production and (rapidly developing) future perspectives

Patrick Sorgeloos from Uni Ghent is expecting to join us with an update on the application by THAILAND for positive listing as a country to export live shrimp into the EU

David Bassett from the EATiP Secretariat will also be introducing the EU Horizon 2020 funded EURASTiP support action – You can find more information regarding their Exchanges and Brokerage events here –

Eric De Muylder from Crevetec gives an overview on the research he has done to avoid Vibrio in intensive Shrimp culture.

the final program will be send to you within the next weeks

On October 9th we also have a EuroShrimp get-together (with drinks!) and brainstorming session from 3 pm to 6 pm discussing:

  1. Overview of developments of PL production in Europe (Who is building hatcheries!)
  2. Cementing the Industry (5-10 years production in Europe…and now?)
  3. Estimating total European production (Collecting and reporting annual EU data)
  4. Latest Research Projects Joining Industry and Science
  5. Other pressing demands

Please: Contact us if you have other topic suggestions and contact us if you would like to present at the session or if you have any news you would like to share via the Euroshrimp portal or mail us at
We are as always excited to hear from you.

Proposed by ALFRED-WEGENER-INSTITUT    |    Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research | Section of KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER    |    AQUACULTURE RESEARCH GROUP

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