#15 European Informal Meeting EAS 2021

Informal Meeting EAS 2021

Dear EuroShrimp Community Members,

We have received requests to hold another Euroshrimp Workshop at Aquaculture Europe in Madeira this year. After the success of our workshop at EAS in Berlin 2019 and the interesting and informative webinar on the “Production Status of European Hatcheries” in 2020, it would be time for another personal meeting of the shrimp community in Funchal.

Unfortunately, due to the current Corona situation, we have decided not to hold a EuroShrimp organized meeting at the EAS 2021. Nevertheless, we would like to support one of our long time and very active community member, Eric De Muylder from the Company CreveTec (Belgium) to organize a small meeting open to all shrimp enthusiasts.

In order to reach out to you, and to inform the EuroShrimp community, we are sending you Eric’s invitation to his meeting with this newsletter.

Dear colleagues/shrimp farmers,

As some of you will be present at the EAS meeting in Madeira, I would like to setup an informal meeting so we can discuss a bit and exchange new progress and results. It has been a while since the last meeting and with the startup of European PL suppliers I believe a big step forward was made, which gives European shrimp farming a decent future.

I will book a room to meet at 17h30. Probably on Tuesday 5/10, but I will need to confirm.

The agenda of the meeting would be just a presentation of everybody present and a short description of the latest developments/experience/results and future plans.

Afterwards, we can have an open discussion.

The purpose of the meeting is like always:

Identify the problems and solutions for a more successful shrimp farming industry in Europe.

Due to corona restrictions, only 30 people would be allowed to attend the meeting, which I hope will be enough.

In case we need to restrict, preference will be given to:

Active shrimp and PL producers

Active suppliers (feed/systems/..)

Pilot scale shrimp farmers

Interested parties (potential suppliers ? future farmers ?)

In case you want to attend, send me a mail at with your name and function/company/interest before 30/9. I will confirm/send a reply on 1/10.

I hope to see you all in Madeira soon,


As soon as time and place are set, we will send you another short update via our Newsletter.

Kind wishes and all the best from The EuroShrimp Team

P.S.: Please feel free to get in contact if you have any news, questions or information you would like to share via the EuroShrimp network. You contact us via the website, the new Forum or send an Email to

Proposed by ALFRED-WEGENER-INSTITUT    |    Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research | Section of KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER    |    AQUACULTURE RESEARCH GROUP

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